Crime Scene Photography: Forensic Fingerprint

 Crime Scene Photography

For every crime scene, Photography is the primary tool. The main purpose 

of scene of crime photography is to document the whole crime scene (what is there) 

and how it is related to the crime. Crime scene photography should be used 

in all crime scenes including burglaries, accidents or any other crimes against 

property or people.

Importance of photography in a crime scene investigation?

It is extremely important to crime scene investigation as it is a systematic process 

and help investigators to understand the crime scene looked like in its totality, it’s 

also help to convey all aspects of crime scene, when someone did not present at the

 time of crime in an effective and simplest way. It provides a true and accurate record.

 Photography is an integral part of court trials and helps the jury to understand the 

position of each objects and what the evidence looked like at scene of crime. 

There is always a question that how much time should be given to photographically

 document a scene of crime. The time used to photographically document a scene is

 depends on the nature of crime, its complication and on the size of crime scene. 

Another factor is the weather condition.

Crime scene photography consist three basic types -

Overall Photographs

In overall photography we capture the overall and global aspects of the crime scene.

 Our main motive is to capture exactly the whole crime scene boundaries with the 

location and surroundings. Photographs should be taken in an overlapping fashion 

from outside area to inside and vice versa, capturing all scene of crime. Photographs 

should be taken using a wide angle lens.

Mid-range Photographs

Mid-range photographs considered between an overall photograph and a close-up

 photograph and there main purpose is to establish the precise position of specific

 items of evidence and their spatial relationships. The photographer who is taking

 the mid-range photographs should follow the cardinal rules and specifically determine

 the fixed feature for a specific item of evidence. Mid-range photograph should be 

captured with either reference subjects or the subjects established at an equal 

distance from camera to avoid the introduction of perspective distortion.

Close-up Photographs and Evidence Photography

Close-up photographs are intend to show details of individual items of evidence not typically resolved in mid-range photographs.. They should be showing all sides of the item and any defects, markings or other identifying features. Each photograph should be captured twice, once with a scale, and once without a scale. Close -up Photographs must be captured with a scale anytime the relative size of an item is in question. Camera should be oriented parallel to the surface being photographed. The item must fill the frame of the camera in order to maximize the item’s resolution. In close –up photography camera accessories such as diopters, tripods, macro lenses, off-camera flash, reflectors or technique of oblique lighting should also be used for better details and to minimizing distortion and to control depth of field.

Different forms of Forensic Photography -

There are some different forms of crime scene photography and it includes black and white, color, ultraviolet and infrared photography. These types of photography should be used depending on environmental conditions.  It’s the duty of forensic photographer to know each form of forensic photography and where to use them as each type serves a special purpose. When images not visible to the human eye then the role of U.V photography and infrared photography comes and they are used to show these images. Infrared and U.V photography used for fingerprints, bite-marks, and latent footwear. Infrared photography specifically used for forensic odontology. When a forensic photographer uses a film camera black and white photography play its role. It shows more color and contrast as compared to most color photography.

Deletions of Photographs -

All photographs are the part of the case file including poor quality images or unintended images. Original crime scene images should not be deleted whether captured with the primary camera or any other camera.

Limitation of crime scene photography?               

Now days we used digital cameras and equipment for evidence photography. Limitation of crime scene photography is related to the camera in general and lack of training and experience of the photographer. Camera photos are the two dimensional view of three dimensional items. It cannot produce the same view that the human eye can see. The photographer  job is to use the camera settings in that way that can affect what can or cannot be seen in a photograph. An experienced and trained photographer after seeing the difficult lighting conditions adjust the camera settings accordingly.

Digital cameras  allow a photographer to instantly review the capturing photos and make necessary changes to the camera settings.  An inexperienced photographer neither apply skills nor constantly analysis the crime scene, he continuously depends on the camera to make the right decision for settings.

The link of crime scene photography part one is below......

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