Covid-19 demon with indiscernible gains

What is Coronavirus or Covid 19

The demon ,  Coronavirus or Covid 19 takes away many life worldwide.  We are going through a

new and unprecedented experience with the spreading of covid 19 . We are having lock-down of

cities , maintaining social distancing  , follow self isolation and adjusting with our face mask .  World

economy's now in a degressive state . Doctor , nurses , police , social workers and security guards

emerge as a front-line fighters in this battle but in all this catastrophe ,  Sir Issac Newton's third law 

:For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction seems true as this virus also giving us some 

indiscernible gains .

The Bright Side.....

1) Pollution - Due to Coronavirus or Covid 19 countries declared lock-down resulted in shutting of

factories and roads , thus reducing carbon emissions. Global pollution level have fallen drastically.

PM 2.5 drops 44% in Wuhan , 54% in Seoul , 60% in New Delhi. Concentration of some pollutants

fell drastically after the lock-down started . There's clear water in the holy Ganga river of India and

in Venice canals , a blue skies have been seen over many polluted cities. The snow - clad Dhauladhar

mountain range of the Himalayas can be clearly seen from Jalandhar city and Gangotri range from


2) Diseases - Reduction in allergic diseases, throat diseases,  respiratory diseases have been seen as

these are related to air pollution. Heart attack cases have also reduce in America, Spain and in China.

3) Road traffic - Traffic pollution and congestion can be greatly reduced through work at home


4) Relief from daily routine tensions of office and home.Every person interact with his/her family

more predominantly as never before. Relationship bond among family members increases. Working

couples in metro cities spending time with  their kids.

5) Due to Coronavirus or Covid 19 everybody is eating simple and delicious home food. Decrease of

fast food consumption in Indian houses.

6) Reduction in consumption and price of fuel.

7) This pandemic situation shift the humans to virtual working in all areas. It will impact the

education system and technical courses to school syllabus all shifts to online portels. It saves our

times and reduce the expensive travel.

8) Greater acceptance for the role of government and importance of collective behavior increases.

The Coronavirus  or Covid 19 will change the face of human society whether it will be for positive

or for negative aspects. Coronavirus is a virus of large family causing illness(fever) and symptoms

like common cold , cough , headache to severe disease ,  when it affects the lungs the person feeling

breathless (Pneumonia). in many cases its cause mild illness but for some its fatal . Approximately 

time for mild cases is 2 week and 3-6 weeks with severe or critical disease. Coronavirus or Covid 19

will be defeated by us by take precautions and i hope that the medicine or a vaccine will be made by

the scientists as early as possible.
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